Saturday, June 30, 2012

How to quit smoking without gaining weight.

You can quit smoking without gaining a lot of weight. Worried you'll gain weight when you quit smoking? Tips to avoid weight gain when you stop smoking cigarettes. Nutritionist and consultant Mary Donkersloot, R. TK Baltimore pronounced "Teak" , 34, a Web developer who lives in New York City, smoked for nearly 20 years. One of the scary things about quitting smoking aside from going insane with nicotine withdrawals is the fear of gaining weight. Is it possible to be both.

But kicking butts often goes hand in hand with weight gain. Try not to let the propect of putting on weight put you off quitting smoking. Quitting smoking is already challenging, but many smokers are also concerned that they'll gain weight if they kick the habit. Not everyone puts on weight and, even if you do gain some pounds. HOW TO QUIT SMOKING WITHOUT GAINING WEIGHT.

The good news is that quitters usually do get back to a normal weight. Com - Do you rely on smoking to keep your weight in check? Are you afraid to quit smoking because you're worried about gaining weight? So now you've got a plan and you've stacked the cards in your favor to quit smoking without gaining weight. Don't let the fear of weight. Ill you gain weight if you quit smoking? Probably. As a nutritionist in private practice, I've met with many women who complain that the decision to quit smoking caused them to gain unwanted. The average person gains between five and ten pounds after quitting smoking, and there are at least four good reasons why.

Don't let a fear of packing on the pounds keep you from giving up cigarettes. , will discuss how quitting smoking does not have to involve gaining weight.

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